Thursday, October 23, 2008

Racial Profiling

Last class we talked about racial profiling, I would like to hear from all of you what you think about it. Is it good or bad? Has it ever affected your life or someone you know?


  1. I think that racial profiling is terrible. The idea that minorities are more likely to commit certain chrimes is prejudice. The police pulling over more minorities for this reason causes it to become discrimination.

  2. I think that there are good and bad things about it. Bad win people abuse it (usually racist people) but good for for helping to identify certain types of criminals and do bads. I think that police use it because they have to, and it is tough to argue that they shouldn't. Listening to that song in class "Ridin Dirty" only reaffirms my beliefs on this. The rapper is rapping about racial profiling, but at the same time he is rapping about how he is "ridin Dirty" or with drugs. You can't get around the fact that there is a large percentage of blacks that deal drugs and do drugs and other crimes. I know that whites do these things to, but there is a larger percentage af blacks who do these things. So I believe that police have no choice but to do it, but I also believe that there are some who abuse it. We will never get around either side of this issue because humans are humans, we were all created with fault. Ian

  3. i think racial profiling is such a bad idea it shouldnt be used ever especially when it comes to law enforcement. They can pull somone over based on the color of their skin or on their ethnic background just doesnt seem fair.

  4. I feel that Racial profiling is a bad thing, i dont see any way of ustifying pulling over minorities more than white, just because they "think" that the minorites have drugs or ae doing something wrong. Being a minority is not illegal so the poilice need to stop pulling them over for it.

  5. I think that people, no matter what color, ARE profiled. Did anyone think that Martha Stewart was going to something illegal? Not too many people. But Racial Profiling does happen a lot. It is horrible because no matter what people say about blacks and Hispanics being the main cause of drugs, I know a WAY more whites that do drugs than another percentage of other races I know. I also think that your race doesn't and shouldn't define how you act or if you’re going to do something illegal. If you personally are associated with others that do something illegal you might be subjected to question of character but still. If anyone saw the movie TRATIOR, all of the terrorists in the end seemed like normal people. Some of them didn't even have a huge distinction in their race or ethnicity. I don't think that people should classify everyone by their racial profile. It is wrong and people are always surprising.

  6. I feel that racial profile is an horrible thing. I hate the fact that just because you are someone of color doesn't mean that you are more likely to have drugs in your car.I just think that it's not fair. And by the way if you would actually listen to the lyrics from ridin dirty, you would know that they are not talking about drugs.

  7. Well obviously racial profiling is bad. Its not fair to other races and espcially people of that race that lead normal lives and do nothing wrong, and yet they are still "guilty by Association" Or in this case by color, religion, or race. Its not fair to assume that just because theres a black man driving around its because he's smuggling drugs. Just like its not fair to assume that all blondes are dumb. And honestly, it sucks when you do nothing wrong but are still accused of doing something. I guess it really brings to light the thomas theorem. The police pull a few people of the same race over and just because those few were doing something illegal they assume that all people of that race take part in illegal activities. I don't agree with Ian when he says "I think that police use it because they have to". Thats bull, they use it because they are racist, prejudice, and lazy. Racial profiling just clouds their thinking and stops them from using their instincts. They should be pulling people over because that person is legitimately doing something against the law. And Ian in regards to this statement: "You can't get around the fact that there is a large percentage of blacks that deal drugs and do drugs and other crimes. I know that whites do these things to, but there is a larger percentage af blacks who do these things" did you ever stop to think that maybe this larger percent of blacks got caught only because the police used racial profiling and by chance caught them in the act? I think that by using their prejudice they got lucky! I would not blame blacks for any amount or percentage of crimes because police already have their minds made up that they are doing something illegal, the prejudice and pre-concieved ideas towards them are extremely unfair. What ever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty" with racial profiling the police are just assuming that all persons of that race are wrong. Its kind of hard to defend and explain yourself to someone that already thinks your doing something illegal.

  8. I think racial profiling is horrible. People think that minorities are bad because of the media, and if they see one person doing something bad they think everyone of that race does the same! Whites commit to the same crimes as minorities and for some reason it is a big deal that they the minority did that but if a white person did that it's okay! Just because minorities might look suspicious the police pull them over but god forbid if a white looks suspicious they get pulled over!

    Kamille Rocha

  9. Racial Profiling is amongst the most unfair use of 'discretion' ever allowed. I used to see it almost everyday up in Saint Paul when I was growing up. I remember a an incident I was involved in when I was in middle school or somewhere around that age.

    There was going to be a huge fight after school was out at the park nearby, and my friends was one of the kids in the fight. So obviously I had to tag along. Throughout the whole day the word spread so much that there were about 50 kids in the park after the bell rang.

    There was a fight for a few minutes before the police arrived and broke everything up. There was one thing that I did notice that I think about many times still to this day.

    There was a black male walking though the path going home from school, and he had nothing to do with the fight in any way at all, because I was there the whole time and didn't see him until the cops came. But about 10 squads pulled up and busted the fight, but they drove down the bike path, got out, threw him on the hood and immeaditly began to search and question him. That upset me a lot.

  10. I totally agree, racial profiling is a terrible and annoying thing. It sucks when you get pulled over because of your race constantly. Back home I use to get pulled over all the time, because of racial profiling. I know what you are thinking, wtf is that girl talking about. But where I grew up all Americans with army association had nato license plates, so your car is easily identifiable, and soldiers have been stereotyped to drive drunk, therefore constant pull over’s, that fortunately never resulted in a ticket because they were for absolutely no reason.

  11. Obviously racial profiling is a bad thing. nobody should be judged based solely on their race. if i went to another country i wouldnt want to be racially profiled and i dont believe anyone else would either. i cant say that it has ever happened to me but it would probabaly be pretty frustrating.

  12. racial profiling in my eyes just seems to be wrong since not all people are the same. even if the majority of people of that group are actually like that it still doesn't mean that they are ALL like that.

  13. i think that racial profiling is wrong and i wish that we lived in a more just society but it's the way things are and even though the cops that do it know it is wrong they will always justify it and turn it around to fit their benefit.
