Friday, January 23, 2009

Expectations for Class Blogging

{{Expectations for contributions to our blog:
a. Please remember that this is our blog
b. Let us respect and encourage each other to contribute to the discussion
c. Our blog is not about competing for attention
d. Let us evaluate all thoughts—questions, thinking-out-loud, and research based presentations
e. We must focus on the issue raised and not the individual who expresses the thought—because we must honor individual expressions
f. Please remember that “conclusions are inferred; they are derived from reasoning. Conclusions are ideas that require other ideas to support them. …. In contrast, unsupported claims are what we refer to as mere opinions” (Browne and Keeley, 2007)
g. As much as possible when we enter our (personal) thoughts, ideas and feelings based/influenced ideas, and opinions, we will try to own the statement and explain our rational for that expression – and not assume that we all understand why something was stated the way it was
h. Let us make sure that anger and frustration does not spill into our space—feelings are important, but when it stifles conversation we all will lose the discourse
i. Lets us be conscious about “group think” (Groupthink is a type of thought exhibited by group members who try to minimize conflict and reach consensus without critically testing, analyzing, and evaluating ideas. Individual creativity, uniqueness, and independent thinking are lost in the pursuit of group cohesiveness, as are the advantages of reasonable balance in choice and thought that might normally be obtained by making decisions as a group. The term was coined in 1952 by William H. Whyte in Fortune…. ref.
j. Please know that you and I are here to learn from each other
k. We also have the capacity to teach each other
l. Some topics/issues/subject matter may be very important to some and not others. Some topics may be culturally and/or religiously divisive – when we discuss such culturally and religiously sensitive topics let us make sure that we are only expressing facts and not opinions that are not supported}}

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