Monday, October 13, 2008

columbus day

today in class we debated the two sides of columbus day weather we should keep it as a national holiday or not have it as a national holiday any more after knowing both sides of history the multicultural history view and the traditional history view more people were towards not having it as a national holiday what do you think?


  1. Yes Columbus was a horrible guy, and yes he never actully found America. What he did get was credit, if it wasn't Columbus it would of been someone else. There would of been no way they knew he was going to kill off thousands of indians without the indians even seeing any white men. I do believe we should have Columbus Day, shut down the post office on that day, no! It should just be a day that we reconize Columbus for the good and bad

  2. I believe that we shouldn't celebrate Columbus Day, because he was an horrible person. I think Columbus shouldn't get credit for founding something that was never lost. Columbus killed many Indians in the process. But people don't teach that to children, what he actually did.

  3. I think the holiday could stay or go. Honestly i don't know many people that celebrate or acknowledge it. It should stay in the sense that its tradition. But it should go because it creates a false "hero". What columbus did was good because he came to america and stayed and gave people a place of refuge from the king but killing helpful Indians who shared food and housing with he and his men is despicable. Its not even that it was ok in those days if you have a conscous you should know its bad and he didn't really have a reason to do it. The "discussion" in class brought up a lot of good points, good job everyone.

  4. I personally never even know when it is Columbus day until someone tells me. I think it should stay partly because of tradition and also because of what Becky mentioned, he helped give refuge. But I am agains't what he did to the Indians, it was very wrong.

  5. Personally, it wouldn't bother me if we did or did not have Columbus Day. I believe that the only people who celebrate it are the federal banks, post offices, the government, kids in elementary school, and social studies classes. Children need to understand what Columbus really did before teachers turn him into an idol. Columbus did just stumble upon America and did horrible things, but would we be here if he didn't. I believe that Columbus Day is not to celebrate how Columbus was, if that were the case then we should have a day celebrating Hitler or any of the leaders that did terrible things. Columbus Day is just a recognition of how America started, how people left their harsh king, and surviving when we developed our country (with the help of the indians).

  6. I think it is interesting to see how differently people respond to Columbusday based on if they know the multicultural perspective, or only the traditional view. Personally I think “celebrating” Columbus only rubs dirt into old wounds of history.

  7. I think that Colombus should not be admired or have a day dedicated to him, but I also think that he was obviously a huge factor in the history of our country. I think that Colombus's actions should looked at and taught in schools because he was such a significant influence in the construction of our country for better or for worse.

  8. I honestly have no opinion. I wouldnt even know it was columbus day unless someone told me. I think that since it is already a holiday and that it is a way for kids to learn that it could stay, but i also think that since columbus wasnt the best person and that he didnt even discover america that the holiday could go.
