Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What now?

So, Obama is president. What do you think will happen? Will he be assissinated? Will the country split apart? Will this bring around the 2nd rise of the confederacy? What are your thoughts? The votes show that YES, we are ready for a black president and we are ready to change but what about the people that were against Obama for the simple reason that he was Black? Will people be immigrating away from the U.S.? Will other countries view us differently(good or bad) ?


  1. I honestly don't believe that obama should have won the election, but that is not because of his race it is simply because of his political views. I do believe that the U.S. is ready for a black president and i also think that Obama has a great chance of being assassinated before he even starts his job.If people are that outraged at the thought of a black president that they will move out of our country, then maybe our country doesn't need them.

  2. I honestly don't believe that obama should have won the election, but that is not because of his race it is simply because of his political views. I do believe that the U.S. is ready for a black president and i also think that Obama has a great chance of being assassinated before he even starts his job.If people are that outraged at the thought of a black president that they will move out of our country, then maybe our country doesn't need them.

  3. Well, first off I am very glad that the election is over. I was tired of hearing about how bad McCain is and how Obama is some magnificent, wonderful saint. I voted for McCain (obvious by last comment)I think that America is on a downword spiral. I think that once this honeymoon period with Obama is over people will see that he is not what America needs (atleast I hope they will be willing to do a proper self examination) I also think alot of people voted for Obama because it was the fashionable thing to do, if Obama was white and McCain was black McCain would have won. Once again Affirmative Action has been abused, Obama was elected because he is black, it would not have mattered much what his standing was on issues, people wanted a black president so thats what they voted for, regardless of qualifications. Ian

  4. Sorry, I did not answer many questions in my last post, I do not think the Confederacy will rise again. I do not think Obama will be killed, I just think America will become weaker.

  5. First, I don't think that Obama will be assassinated, and I find it ridiculous that this is a commonly held view. As far as the effect on the country, no I don't think the confederacy will rise again and no I don't think people will leave the country in mass numbers. The real question is what real change he will bring, and for that answer we really have to just wait and see. Whether he does good things or whether things fail, we can't predict, but I will say that I myself am hopeful for some sort of change.

    And on a final note, I disagree that Obama was elected only because he is black. I think what it comes down to is that the majority of Americans were/are sick of what the republicans were doing in office. Granted I'm not saying everyone who voted for Obama looked at it this way, but I think it is a poor generalization to say that the only reason people voted for him was because he is black.

  6. I do not think that Obama will be assasinated. Or at least I hope not. Reguardless of weather or not you support his campaign no one wants to see anyone get hurt. I do not think that there will ever be a 2nd rise of the confederacy. I do not think that other countries will think any differently of us. I hope that it will however cause those who viewed themselves as not represented to feel like more of a part of our country.

  7. I would hope that Obama would not be assasinated because of his color. If that would happen It does not say much for our diverse country. I hope that people will give him a chance to see what change he can bring, because we definantly do need change. I don't understand why this would cause people to immigrant away, who exactly will leave and where will they go? If people do move away from this country because we have a black president, then good riddens- we don't need that type of people in this country to begin with. Hopefully other countries will see the U.S. as a country with diversity and much needed open minds.

  8. I think obama has a good chance of bieng assasinated. I heard somewhere that two people have already been arrested for attempting it. Also i think our country is ready for a black president. We have come a long way since slavery and he oviously has much of our nation on his side.

  9. It has been a while since people have managed to assassin a President, and although I do not claim that there have not been and will not be any attempt to assassin the President to be (I actually think that considering the amount of pinheaded people in this country there will be quite a few), I doubt that they will succeed. Furthermore, a rise of the confederacy? Seriously! I doubt it. Back in the day there was an actual reasoning for the country to split, it was a question of whether or not the National Government had the right to control certain things, and I know that it had to do with slavery, but racism was not the only reason. Although, I most certainly get quite a chuckle out of the picture that the idea puts into my head. As to the question of people moving out of the U.S. because Obama is president, where would they go? If a person is so upset that a black man is president that he or she would move to a different country, that person most likely has prejudices against other races to, so what’s left? Where would they go? If they come up with a place let me know.

  10. I do not agree with Ian. I look forward to what the future holds and if you wanted another 4 years of war then fine vote for McCain but do you research because Obamba is what this country needs! I believe that electing him was a huge step towards the end of racism, discrimination and prejudice. Because of ignorant people that think negatively just because the canidate they wanted was not elected I am sick to my stomach. People who speak in this negative way create their own realities. The beautiful thing about being human is that we all can create our own realities. If you don't believe me watch the movie What The BLeep Do We Know. In this movie they illustrate how all humans create their own realities through their own observations. I just want people to understand that when a person think negatively he or she creates that negative reality in their own life. I know this from first hand experience and so when I see people creating their own realities and not realizing it I become very frustrated.

  11. Racism will never end, niether will prejudice, that is simple fact. We are humans, created with fault, people will never all agree on one thing, if that could be it would have already been. Brad, you yourself are prejudice agains't many things, as am I. Right down to what we like in women, the food we like, the cars we like, the classes we take, the classes we don't take. Prejudice is a something that will always happen, nobody will ever like everything in the world. Racism will always be around for the same reason. We are all racist and sexist to some extent (some obviously more so than others) It is a nice thought that you have Brad, but it is too child like, too naive. This is a world where Satan rules, these things of Prejudice and racism are only non existant in heaven, and we are not all going there. Ian

  12. i believe that at some point in time we can overcome the racist views and feelings. also i do not think that Obama will be killed because he is black and now president. for one because it is nearly impossible and second it would just divide us more and there are more people who would want us to not be divided than do. I think that people that are saying that they are going to move away from the county because he is now our president just seems a bit ridiculus and if they want to leave for that reason i say that they should just leave then because we do not need them here. Also according to what i have seen and heard is that the other countries around the globe really like that obama is our president and are starting to have better views toward us now.

  13. If you think that racism based on skin color is so “natural,” why is it that prior to the Columbian Exchange different tones in skin where considered as much a difference as hair or eye color today? Do you seriously think that there is no way the world can ever go back to that? As for your comment that every person is sexist, are you … serious?

  14. I am absolutely and positively serious. It goes down to things that we expect from the man or from the woman. It is natural for us to think of a women with longer hair than a man, or that a man works on cars, or watches sports. Being sexist is not always this huge horrible thing, only a small number of people take sexism to an extreme. When I said everyone is sexist to some extent I was thinking mainly about the little things that we expect from men and women. I hope I have clarified it enough for you. We will always be like this because it is a natural thing to do, just like prejudices and racism, it is how our brain works and copes with different things. I am certainly no expert, this is what I believe to be true, I just ask that you give it due thought, and that is all. Ian

  15. could it be possible....just maybe that the better man won the election?? or could it be that there are more democrats than republicans?? it was a historical election and outcome but it is time to except it and if it really made anyone that mad or offended that he was elected than make sure you keep voting republican cuz it's all you can do. let the haters leave if they wanna. as for an assassination all presidents are at risk and it is sad to realize just cuz Obama is black he has a higher risk than any other president, but that is the way it is. and why would the confederacy come again because of a black president?

  16. I don't think anything will happen. I think there will be some mixed feelings like with Bush. The fact that he is Black...I think most people overlook that sand don't really care.

  17. I believe that people will be upset for a while but i think the main reason they may be mad is because he is black all the rumors going around about him being the devil and his being another saddam because his middle name is hussein. I think that other countries will view us the same or maybe in a better way because we stepped up from our racist ways and elected a black president. If we are the country that we're made out to be we should try and make the best out of this situation, maybe this with Obama being president will help us to view people of color in a different way.

  18. I think Obama will make a big impact on America. He will bring a different attitude to our country. I think a man that will not be afraid to stand up to the big money holders and tell them no when needed. I sure hope that he will be not assissinated, that would be horrible and would not be a good representation of our country. I also believe that our country is past confederacy and it will not rise again. I think that other countries will see our country as more accepting and will see us trying to change and make a difference.
