Friday, November 7, 2008

WHat I read about Obama wanting to change the anthem and flag, I could not find the exact article I read, but this one is almost exactly the same.

Senator Obama Live on Sunday states, ‘As I’ve said about the flag pin, I don’t want to be perceived as taking sides, Obama said. ‘There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song ‘I’d Like To Teach the World To Sing.’ If that were our anthem, then I might salute it.’We should consider to reinvent our National Anthem as well as to redesign our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. It’s my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the levelof acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we as a Nation of warring people, should conduct ourselves as the nations of Islam, whereas peace prevails. Perhaps a state or period of mutual concord between our governments. When I become President, I will seek a pact or agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. We as a Nation have placedupon the nations of Islam an unfair injustice. My wife disrespects the Flag for many personal reasons. Together she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past, many years ago. She has her views and I have mine’. Of course now, I have found myself about to become the President ofthe United States and I have put aside my hatred. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path of hope. My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country’s First Family. Indeed, CHANGE is about to overw helm the United States of America .


  1. i am wondering if i can get the source of this information-- thank you

  2. Raj try this link

    i just copied some text from what ian posted and put it in a google search. a lot of blogs come up.

  3. I would just like to know the source of this article. Also I would like to say something else directly to Ian. Are you not happy that the new President is Black or are you just use not ready for change? Because it seems like you are trying to find every last reason why to hate Obama. Why don't you start worrying about the things that Obama is going to fix. The things he has to fix because of Bush's mistakes. And can you PLEASE, I'm asking nicely stop disrespecting the first African American President. Because you just came off as racist. Just stop finding ways to put him down even before he is in office. I not try to be mean but I'm just getting tired of people like you finding any and everything to put down OUR NEW PRESIDENT. Just stop.

  4. I would like everyone to know that this article has no source. It is just a blog like what I am writing currently. The blog this was taken from is purely opinion so disregard it completely. I would appreciate it if we could stop speaking negatively about Obama because he is our President for the next four years so deal with it! I guess I thought the election was ove but realize people that all the negativity you send out on this blog reflects on you in your own lives. I do my best to base my information on facts, lets all try and do the same thank you and have a wonderful day.

  5. I do not hate him, I have no problem with him being black. I just think that alot of people voted for him because they were so concerned with having a black president that they did not give it due thought. Also to Brad, if McCain had won would you have a problem with people talking negatively about him? The big reason why I am unhappy with Obama as a president is because he is pro choice and is not agains't gay marriage. These are 2 big issues for me, those are the 2 big reasons I voted agains't Obama, not because he is black. It seems you all think I am closed minded, when you are the ones who can't except my opinions, I except yours and try not to criticize your comments, because God gave you your own minds for a reason. I would love to look back 4 years from now and say that Obama did a great job as president, I hope I can say that I am proud of him as my President one day, but as long as he is ok with abortion and gay marriage, I cannot do that. And before you guys jump all over me and start calling me a gay basher, I do not hate gays, I respect them as humans, I treat them as I would treat most anyone else. I just think that it is wrong to be gay, and that it is a violation of the holy covenant of marriage, which is before God, and God does not smile upon same sex marriage. This was a long comment, sorry if you fell asleep during it. Ian

  6. Ian, I appreciate you finally explaining how you feel about an issue you brought up; gay marraige. Before you clarified yourself i assumed that you were just against gays. Can I ask though. Why are you against abortion? Your not able to get pregnant, and its not your body going through the changes. Also, isn't it unfair to take away a womens right after so many we're jailed because the women were rallying for equlity. Are you following the bible in your reasoning? And if you are, what about the growing number of people who are athiest? Is it fair to outlaw something solely based on a relgion?

  7. I look at abortion from a Christian standpoint. God saw fit to create the child within the woman, even if it was through rape. I can understand why a women would not want to keep a child she got pregnant with through being raped, I think if i was a women that I would struggle with that as well. God created life to be sacred, and these children are innocent, they are not even given the chance to live, it is barbaric, it is a savage practice. Killing an unborn baby just to serve your own selfish reason. God is the only one with the right to take a human life. So looking at it from my point of view, yes, I think it is ok to outlaw something based on religion, if it is the right religion, which is Christianity. It is the only religion that is not man made, man made religions are of course made to suit humans. Christianity requires that you do things for God and for his glory. Also to look out for your fellow man. Man made religions will say the same thing, but those religions fail, because they do not have God to help them, God is neccessary for all things to work. I am not concerned about being fair, fairness is sommething that is not attainable, nothing is ever fair if it is done by men. Only God can make things fair. Just like any measurement made by humans is not exact, same with measuring machines made by humans, since they were made by humans they are not exact.

  8. I am sorry for being so long winded with my last comment. I have an ability to go on and on and on and on and on........just ask my wife and kids. Ian

  9. Ian, to answer your question yes I would have a problem with it because negativity just breeds more negativity. This is not a good direction for anyone to take I think it's wise to look objectively at all the issues before you speak. By this I mean not to ley your own opinion cloud the facts and look at the issue from another perspective. Then you will truly find your answers...

  10. You know i have nothing against Obama, he hasn't even been able to do anything as president yet for me to make that judgement; but i have herd so many people critize bush, i'm not say i agree with everything he did, but he was still our president and everbody was free to say what they wanted about him...why can't express how they feel about Obama now that he is the president elect???

  11. So I know this has nothing to do with our Racial Minorities class, but seeing that we are off topic anyway… I do see where Ian and other conservatives are coming from with the hole anti-abortion thing, but are Church and State not suppose to be separate? Therefore, since the entire argument is based off of the fact that abortion is against Christian values is there really any legitimate reason for it to be against the law? I personally don’t think so. To further my point, history has proven that making abortion illegal is a bad thing; see if a woman really wants a abortion she is going to get one, and if it is illegal to get one in a sterile medically safe environment, they will find another way.

  12. Changing the National Anthem might be a good thing, maybe if we change it people will finally sing it right 

  13. I agree with Jamie.
    Church and State are suppose to be separate. I also don't like the idea of abortion but people are going to do it anyways and more women will die without. I am actually on the fence about being homosexual but I NEVER hold it against someone if they are.
    I believe that our constitution states that church and state are separate so that means to me the gays should be allowed to get married and that women should have the choice to have an abortion.

    Ian, also I think why a women would not want to keep a child that is from rape is because rape is terrible, horrible. It is an awful thing to go through. When things like that happen you don't want to remember them. Keeping the child just reminds you everyday of the what happened to you. (even if you give the child up for abortion- you have to remember for the whole time you carry the child) I'm not sure if you understand how it feels, I don't even understand- but I empathize and I have been around it too much to not believe that if you are rape you can get an abortion- plus how would you like to grow up knowing that your father raped you mother- or even find that out later in life.- I'm not trying to be negative toward you, this is just how I feel and what I've seen.

  14. * I meant "even if you give the child up for adoption" not abortion

  15. Wow this blog has gotten off course, but i do want to comment on the whole gay marriage thing. I don't believe the government should be able to dictate what a man or woman chooses to in their bedroom. Lots of people say the definition of marriage is a man and a woman but if we hadn't changed the difinition of civil rights this country would be controlled by only white men. I think just as much as someone can't choose what color or gender they were born to, they can't control who they fall in love with. I'm pretty positive that being gay has been proven to be

  16. i just want to tell Ian that i completly understand him and respect him for what he said. obviously im a muslim and i tottaly against gay marriages and abortion. but still i voted for Obama cuz he was the better one. i actully enountered some iraqis who fled their country in 2003. they told all about the war adn believe me if you want to cry and feel guilty ill tell what they've gone through. personally i like to held my self to high moral stander cuz i really hate to hurt ppl feeling and cause them dicmfort and pain. McCain wanted to stay in iraq continue a stupid war, thats why i had to put my religion aside. none of them is a muslim so i had a lower expaxtions or measurment about them.
    its not an easy thing to go through a war.. trust me im the somali one here.

  17. so since this is an invalid source and pretty no one is on the topic of this thing anymore, I'll still put in my input. A couple weeks ago I watched a documentary on the gistory channel about the flag...and if anyone knows how the anthem came about would think changing it would be a little absurd. Francis Scott Key wrote the poem/anthem after seeing the American flag flying over Fort McHenry after the Brritish defeat.

  18. ian, you said
    "yes, I think it is ok to outlaw something based on religion, if it is the right religion, which is Christianity."
    what gives you the right to declare christianity as the "right one"? you can say God did, but as someone who doesn't know what she believes yet, and therefore considers herself an athiest, the God argument has absolutly no power over me. this nation is supposed to be filled with several different religions.
    as far as the abortion topic goes, i'm pro-choice, yet i would never get an abortion if it was a child i made by my own dumb mistakes. but i will admit that i was raped last year,(i've never actually been willing to talk about it much, ironic that i'm telling a bunch of people i dont really know, over the internet?) and i actually had a pregnancy scare after that. and yes, abortion definatly came to my mind. i knew that if i had the baby, there would be no way i could give it up, and there was no way i could pay for a baby myself. and telling the guy who did it that he made me pregnent, would have been the scariest thing in my life. thank god, i wasn't pregnant, but i can understand where these girls are coming from...
    and as far as changing the flag and anthem, whether the source was legit or not... i have mixed feelings. i admit that over the last eight years, i have lost a lot of my respect for the American government. and when Obama got elected i was excited to hopefully gain my respect back, and actually be proud to be an American. so i don't really think we should change it, we just have to instil pride and respect back into it... if that makes nay scense
    whew! sorry for this extermely long rant...

  19. This post is in response to the one Andrea made. I am sorry you raped at one point. Christianity has more backing it up than any other religion out there. It is mentioned in more history than any other. It also is the only one brought about by God, the others were made by men, the men may have had good intentions but they are still false. How can a man made religion be divine? If you are indeed inbetween on where you stand about religion I suggest you look into it, talk to a pastor, I would not suggest looking it up online since there are so many poor resources out there. If you want to talk about the right I have to declare Christianity as the true religion, then you have not really thought about that question. What right do you have to declare things? You could declare that Obama is better than McCain, when we declare we are just saying what we think and/or feel. I am amazed that people
    would lose respect for this country just because of Bush, America is much better than anywhere else, in many other countries you would not be able to pull the "its my right" card.

  20. But once again,you are saying that Christianity is the true religion because it was made by God... i don't believe in God, at least not the God you keep bringing up. So telling me that God created this religion proves nothing to me... and all the other religions have their God and their stories as well... what right do you have to say that the stories about the Gods and Goddesses in Hinduism are fake, and that the Christianity stories are 100% true?
    And i have tried going to church, after years of not going, i brought myself to a local youth group and tried for about a year to get into it... i couldn't. i just can't believe that this all loving God would send one of "his children" to hell for commiting suicide 9usually brought upon my a major mental disorder) or loving someone of the same sex. God is love, don't you think that he would approve of any love?

  21. The whole going to hell for commiting suicide thing is a Catholic belief. You should not just look into on denomination, there are many, I go to a Lutheran church, I agree with most Lutheran beliefs. I mainly go there because I like the pastor. In my opinion Catholics have a few things wrong, not all Christians believe you will go to hell if you kill yourself. You can tell how ill-informed you are just by reading your comments. it is stated (VERY CLEARLY) in the bible (BY GOD) that marriage is a HOLY covenant BEFORE GOD between MAN and WOMAN! He does not approve of same sex marriage, plain and simple. If he did why create 2 different sexes? You should go back and reread the comment I made before this because I answered your questions in that one to, just read more carefully this time. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
