Friday, November 21, 2008

Native American Relations in the U.S.

The way Native Americans were treated by whites was obviously wrong. From the early settlers through the times of Andrew Jackson, there rights were violated, as we can read about in Ronald Takaki’s book. But how could some of the situations have been handled differently, was there a better way? If yes, what could have been done, and would it have had a equal economic outcome? And if no, why not? Also with Thanksgiving coming up, do we have a right to celebrate a holiday like it? Given the history should we stop celebrating Thanksgiving?


  1. I agree that what we did to all other races throughout time has been horrible and wrong, i believe many of the situations could have been handled differently and that the outcome would have been possibly a greater amount of peace and equality or the exact opposite less peace and equality.About the whole thanksgiving thing, i think we should still celebrate thanksgiving its been around this long so we shouldn't just throw a national holiday away now and yes what really happened is a horrible thing and i think all people need to learn about what really happened to the Indians and fully understand what thanksgiving wasn't about two races joining together as one and having a great meal because thats just the surface of it.

  2. I think that there could have been a better way. The problem is that the attitudes of the colonists would have to have been different. The idea that Native Americans were savages and their way of life was somehow inferior was the root of their bad treatment. I do not think that the ecinomic outcome would have been any different. I think that Thanksgiving should still be celebrated because it has taken on a life of it's own as far as seting aside a time to meet and eat with family. I think that it is also important to remember that we as Americans did treat the Native Americans pooly in order to learn from past mistakes.

  3. Here is a thought, rather than celebrating Thanksgiving as a holliday in which two races came together, we could celebrate is as a rememberance, of all the Native Americans that where killed by our forfathers, one of the main problems on the issue is that this false perception of the past is what is tought in our schools at a verry young age, I am not suggesting that we show a hole bunch of kindergardners pictures of massacared Indians, but teaching future generations a more real view is what will create better awarenes of history in the future.

  4. I think we need to LISTEN instead of assuming everything. If we would LISTEN it would be handled a lot differently. We should listen to other people too not just the Indians but Iraqis too.

  5. I never thought that everything that happened with the indians was good, I have known about how they were treated for years now. It is partly due to my parents, my own understanding of human nature and I think I might have had better teachers than the rest of you. I say that because my teachers did not portray things in a dark light, they kept the lights on bright and informed me of what really did happen. I also believe that just because alot of whites were cruel to indians does not mean they all were. The thing about history that we MUST keep in mind is that we do not know everything about it. Thanksgiving could have come about innocently enough, and then others could have been the ones who started the whole mess. Also a reminder, not all indians were peaceful, they had weapons and they knew how to use them well. alot of indians were not strangers to fighting. I think that we should keep celebrating Thanksgiving the way we always have, because we will never know for sure how exactly everything transpired way back then. Ian

  6. I would have to agree with Ian!!

  7. What happened so many years ago was very wrong, I think we all agree on that. It is easy for us to look back and critize peoples choices (with anything). We do have to remember that life was different back then and so were peoples thoughts. I'm not making excuses for them, I'm just saying we need to keep it in consideration. I'm sure they thought they were doing right at the time. As times have changed we can see how wrong we were, let's just be thankful for the fact that things have changed since then. One day our children, grandchildren and so on are going to look back at history and think: what were they thinking? Granted it won't be because we completely ruined the indians, but I know we are still making mistakes. I think how teachers are depicting Thanksgiving is some what closer to the truth now then it was before. My children and I have talked about what happened to the Indians. On Thanksgiving, my children and I focus on what we are thankful for in our lives now, and I think other people discuss that also. Let's just hope that we don't just do this one time a year, that we think about what we are thankful for throughout the whole year.

  8. I think that things in history could have been alot different if everyone accepted everyone. If everyone would have united to built American I think the economic outcome could have been greater. People could have worked together and learn skills from others such as farming and cultivating instead of spending so much money on removing people from their land and wars. As for Thanksgiving I like the idea of using the day to reflect the true history but unfortuantly I am sure the false meaning will never change.

  9. What we did to the Indians was horrible and we could have done things differently. We were just selfish and cruel. I think that we need to have the truth taught in schools all over the U.S., that we took advantage of the people that helped us in our time of need. That is what Thanksgiving is all about...we were dying because we didn't know how to take care of ourselves in the new world so the Indians helped us to survive and thrive. Thanksgiving showed our appreciation to the Indians for helping us. Yes, what happened the next day was horrible but that's not Thanksgiving...Thanksgiving needs to be thanks to the Indians and thankful for what they helped us with and we need to look past all the hatred for just one day.

  10. i dont think that the way native americans were treated is gonna change if we went back on time.its natural and common to oppress those who differe from us regardless of the measurement which we use. we cant change our past but we can change our present and future. if we are truly wise we'll learn from whatever happened and work on improving ourselves.
    and for the thanksgining thingie, i do believe that ppl should continue to celebrate it because to many it alot to them. and we'll remeber what american have done to the natives come november of every year.

  11. i dont think that we can change what happened in the past. its normal to judge ppl who differe from us regardless of the measurement which we use. was there a better way to handel it yes. but we have to understand the ppl had different ideaolgies,views and attitudes. it might be ignorant from their side or greed(u be da judge). all im tryin to say is that the past is history. instead of thinking of other ways to handel that situation. we should focus on what can we learn from it and be wise enough to apply what we have learned.
    and fro the thanksgiving thingie..i think ppl should continue celebrating that cuz it means alot to many americans. its part of their culture come november of each year we'll all remeber what happaned to the indians.
