Wednesday, November 5, 2008

He is not proud

I recently read on Obamas website that he plans to try to change the National Anthem, and also change the American flag. He does not even put his hand over his heart during the singing of the Anthem.He said he does not think America was something to be proud of, he said he will make it something to be proud of. If it was not for this America he would not be president, he would have never gotten even remotely close to where he is today. What are your thoughts on what I just stated about the Anthem and flag?


  1. Well, I'll be the first to say that I also am not proud to be an American currently. Over the past decade we have made misstep after misstep and I think the people really are ready for a change. Whether that change turns out to be a good thing or not remains to be seen, but I really don't see what the big deal is when he says he wants to change the national anthem or not put his hand over his heart. The direction this country has gone makes one wonder why change hasn't occurred sooner. I frankly don't see why these things bother you so much.

  2. I agree that America is ready for a change, but this does not make me any less proud to be an American. I love our country even if it has it's faults (what country doesn't). I think it would be a mistake to change the national anthem and the flag, but times must change in the interest of progress. If these things do change it will be because it is the will of the people, and I will be just as proud to be an American.

  3. I have not read Obamas website, so I don't understand why he wants to change these things, what will that gain? I think he has plenty of other things to consider for change that are of much more importance. I would like to know his reasoning and what he would change it to. Right now i can't think of a good reason to change the flag or the anthem.

  4. I am hopeful that the text -- from president elect Obama's web site could be provided. It will greatly help all of us to have an understanding of the language and context. I am hopeful that you could provide us the text (just cut and paste from the web site).

    Thank you in advance for that extra work and I am hopeful that we will only base our comments on the text and not demonize and ostracize the new administration or the individual.

  5. I think it horrible for anyone to say they are not proud to be an American. People fought and died so that you can have the freedom to do many things that others would be killed for doing. I believe that we as Americans are not doing everything we can to set an examples for others, but to say your not proud to be American is disrespectful.
    Now I have heard many rumors surrounding this issue of President-elect Obama wanting to change our flag and anthem. One part of me thinks is really isn't that big of a deal, we are a nation of advancement. The National Anthem was written in a different time when different ideologies were thought to be correct. But like I said, this nation is ready to take on new challenges and we need to modify the outlines of this country so it welcomes everyone.
    On the other hand, I want to say that our nation's song is tradition and to change it would also be disrespectful. I guess I am stuck on top of the fence on this one.

  6. I think its terrible that obama said he wasnt proud to be american, of all people he should be since he is going to be our next president. I dont see why he should have to change the national anthem either. I dont see anything wrong with it, but like leeroy said our nation is ready for change.

  7. I do not understand how someone could post a blog about a blog what's up with that. I am disgusted that we had to discuss this in class.
    If Obama wants to change the flag that's his choice he is the president now and believe me he will do great things just stop questioning him for he is very intelligent.

  8. Why should I believe you Brad? You say I should, yet why should I? You are no authority on politics, you do not know Obama personally. How can you say he will definately do a great job? Intelligent people are not always the most suited for leadership. I am rated as having an IQ of a highly intelligent person, does that mean I would make a great president? The answer is no, because that is not the only quality that decides a good President. If what I posted on hear is from a blog then I apologize, I did not realize it. But it is true that he wishes to change those things, my wife takes a politics class here at SCC and they have been discussing it. I would also like to say to Brad that as a democracy our President can not be allowed to do whatever he wants. I think you probably stated what you did because you were irritated and not level headed. Atleast I hope you don't actually want the Presidents to be able to do whatever they wanted to. If that were to come to be then we would not be America anymore.

  9. Ian, What I said you took out of context. What I meant is what I said not what you think I said. I am aware of how a democracy works and that intelligence is not the only thing important in a president but public speaking is as well and he is very good at that. I just look positively to the future of change.
    responding to your comments about why you should believe me: I as a person have an opinion and I also understand the power of possibility and that in itself is why I believe America has taken a step towards to a truly multicultural society. If others can embrace the power of their word and the possiblities that those words can create then the ultimate goal of becoming multicultural can be reached!

  10. First of I would like to reiterate a point I have made before in class, America is not a Democracy, it’s a Federal Republic, check CIA factbook if you don’t believe me. So stop referring to it as a Democracy, because that means something completely different. Secondly, I’ve done some research on the topic of these allegations that President-elect Obama wants to change the anthem and the flag and I did not find any plausible respectable source that give information on the topic. Therefore, I think that we should be careful to just assume that Obama is planning on making those changes. As to the concern that the President-elect said he is not proud to be an American, this line (according to my personal research on reliable sources) was taken completely out of context. It was not actually Mr. but Ms. Obama that said she was not proud to be an American. Also she said that she was not proud to be an American before her husband got elected to run for president, because of the racism and ignorance that is so infested into our country. I must say, I understand her point. As some of you might have noticed from things I have said before, I did not grow up in the States, however I am a U.S. citizen and I was born here. In Germany I always had to defend myself as an American, and why I never changed citizenship, especially during the past 5 years it has been hard, and I will admit that sometimes I was at a loss for words when asked, but if Obama brings the Change that he promises (the Change on his actual platform) I will know that I made the right choice, and I too can be proud of this country and what it’s new Government stands for.

  11. I am proud to be an American but I do not put my hand over my heart when we sing the nation anthem...if you go to some sporting events (high school)do all the players put their hands over their hearts? What about the fans? This doesn't mean that they're not proud to be american, it's their choice. America has been racist for as long as the white settlers have been around. We have been putting minorities down and in poverty because we're afraid of them threatening our jobs. Hopefully having a person of color for being a president will make America exactly the way that it is supposed to be...united, no matter what color or race you are.
