Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Before being out of this class for good, i would like to acknowledge the fact Jocelyn being so quick to judge everyone else on being racist. I think you need to look at yourself aswell. What about the begining of class when were having the discussion about the "N" word. You attack me for saying the word when repeating what boys said in my neighborhood. It's not like i was personally attacking you...I was agreeing with you, you just chose to take everything personal. Then a couple classes later Raj yells the"N" word 3-4 times, so loud people could hearit dow the hall.... were you offended by that? No you wern't you sat their and had a discussion with him. Now the way i see that story is that you are racist yourself. I have many friend of color that i talked to about this and they all agree it was wrong. All i'm saying is look in the mirror before quick jumping on someone else for being racist. Everyone in our class says we treat foreigners so unfair and they can't get ahead... well has anyone tried to do something to help them????


  1. I remember this situation and it did seem like you got jumped on Kari when you were just giving an example. I'm not sure if that means she's racist but you certainly didn't get time to explain yourself once she interupted you.

  2. i agree, i know you seemed pretty harsh about what was said, but you gotta realize this is a race relations class, things will get heated but we need to realize all of us that it is only a class, non of the stuff should be personal although it feels like it sometime.

  3. I to remember that day, and I agree with Becky. I didn't think that they you were given the chance to explain, and it wasn't understood what you were explaining. It was a discussion period and that was the time to voice all opinions, no matter what they were. But I did not think that you were understood in the way you intended. I did not take what you were saying as racist, I understood that you to were against it. I know that some people don't like the "N" word said no matter what, but it was being used in a way to educate and discuss, not in a demeaning derogatory way. It was even just used in one of our chapters in A Different Mirror.

  4. Class discussions is for all of us to talk and try to understand race relations. Its hard for us to come into this class not knowing how extreme it really is and we can't be attacked by fellow classmates when we try to talk about our situations. Not everyone can explain things just exactly how everyone wants, that doesn't give anyone a reason to attack one another. I felt uncomfortable in class that day because Kari was just agreeing that it wasn't right to say things like that...its like people swearing in front of people of authority, I don't believe thats right...its like swearing in front of your grandparents or great grandparents. Kari wasn't saying it in a derogatory way she was just simply agreeing that the kids in her neighborhood do not understand that the "N" word is completely unacceptable. I don't think that Kari would've said that word if it was going to offend someone. As I recall she did apologize several times.

  5. No matter what you say someone will not understand what you are trying to say. You win some and you loose some. oh well life goes on.

  6. Immigrants and foriegn people are helped out by America immensely. We even help them before we help our own poor and needy people (which is a little messed up eh) America should focus more on itself so that it can become healthier, then look to help others. I am not in the same class as you guys, but maybe Jocylen was having a rough day when she snapped at you? But even if that is so, she shold apologize. Ian

  7. I definitely agree with Kari and Becky. She did snap at you and she's done it before some other times to other people, so i don't think she was having a bad day. I also don't think that she is not a racist, some people just take everything personal sometimes. This is a Race Relations class. These sort of things and topics are going to come up whether you like it or not. I just think that Kari should of been given more time to explain herself, like others have as well.

  8. I too agree that Jocelyn was very quick to jump on your back, but I also think that you offended her by saying, "f'n N_____." I truly believe that when you made your mind up that it was not okay for you to say the "f" word, but it was fine to use the "n" word, that was when she decided it bothered her. The way Jocelyn reacted was unfair and rude, but that word brings bad memories and thoughts to to people so quickly it can cause someone to react in the childish manner she did without thinking. Now I cant say that that is the true reason, only my best guess.
    I also believe that when you brought Raj into this, it was uncalled for. That word is used by him for an educational purpose. If we try to hide it, it will make issues with the N word worse, but if we ignore it problems also arise. And as for his loud tone of voice, its a teaching strategy used to keep students attentive and focused on the subject, Raj was not attempting to scream it at the top of his lungs for everyone to hear. You were in the class long enough to realize that is how Raj teaches, and bringing him into this was a low blow to him, and also makes you look naive.
    I don't know why you dropped the class though, it makes it seem that you know you did wrong and and you are either embarrassed to come back in or you are afraid. This could be solved easily with peer mediation or a conversation to clear the air with Jocelyn. Again, its this is just my two cents on the subject.

  9. Ok... for you leroy to make such stupid assumptions like you have on why i dropped the class is completly uncalled for. For your information i have been going through a close family member trying to commit suicide, I have had a miscarriage, got my car ran over by a semi with me in it, and more that i'm not even going to go into. Could you concentrate on school going through them things?? NO!!b So i would appreciate it if you would yourself stop making LOW BLOWS as you call it, and stick to what you know.
    And for it beig unfair of bringing Raj into this... i have talked to him about this and he said nothing about it being unfair using him saying the word as an example. Yeah he has a loud voice and i said nothing bad about that. I just said that she took it offensive when i said it and not him. So again stop making assumptions!!!

  10. And if I thought I did something wrong why would i post it??

  11. Okay.. I waited to see what people would actually say.. To tell the truth I have experienced discimination in this town alone. So, if Kari or anyone else had a problem of what I said they should have bought it to my attention and we could have solved it as adults. Also, Kari for you to call me racist, now that really offerended me because I am biracial (African American and Native American) that is why I get so heated in anything that has to do with my race. So for you to call me racist really hurts. By the way, when we were having the discussion about the "N" word, I recall you kept repeating N*****, not the "N" word that is what pissed me off. I didn't care what you were talking about but the only thing I thought you should have said in your example was the "N" word not N*****. So for people on the blog to say that I was being rude and taking everything personal, you picture a white person calling a black person a N***** and you being black try to figure how that hurts. After being called that in the past. I don't care if it was and example, she should not have said it. Also, for the teacher using the example he did I was offerended because he said previously that he didn't want that word to be used in the class. Also you guys don't know me to judge me.

  12. No, now don't be so quick to jump on MY back Kari. Read carefully, I said that I stated things to the best of my knowledge, "gave my two cents."
    Nobody in the class knew what you were going through, so please don't attack me and act like I should have known these things like I'm a mind reader. Quit victimizing yourself.

    **Spell check also does wonders.

  13. Leeroy.......we should never criticize another person on this blog about there grammar or spelling. It is just a blog and most of us don't put much effort into writing it correctly. Also, how about this subject just be dropped? It is not constructive. Ian

  14. I concur Ian, this post is just creating conflict thats unnecessary.

  15. Ok, class. I honor all responses. However, I have requested this in the past and continue to request that we only address issues and concerns about race (that does include derisive words). Let us not involve individuals in the process. Please stop mentioning names of individuals and questioning peoples character. Character assassination is never productive.

  16. I felt that Kari wasnt being racist she wasnt giving enough time to explain herself, some ppl took it personal, and that made it worse.
