Friday, April 3, 2009

Class today

I just wanted to comment on something that was said in class today. It was said that high school kids that yell things out the window of their cars at other races are not racist. That they were just doing it because of their friends and to look cool. I disagree with this. True they may not do it while they are alone, but that does not make it any less wrong! There are many crimes in history that would not have occured if there wasn't a group mentality present. The fact remains that they were still crimes. High school kids are a product of their enviorment and their families. They should have to face cosequences for their actions. It is not okay to hurt others with words or in any way. They should learn while they are young so they don't grow up to be big racists jerks with the power to really hurt others with their ignorance. We were all in high school at one time or the other and not all of us did this I am sure. It is just wrong.


  1. I agree. This is wrong, but kids still do it. When I was in high school, kids would say the meanest things. I don't think that they realize how hurtful the things they said actually were. Kids, especially middle to high school age, are really mean. I get that they are trying to "fit in" or look "cool" but saying some of the things I heard just made them look dumb. I think people should think before they open their mouths.

  2. I agree with Marion, especially with the group mentality comment. I believe it is still a racist comment even though they are with their friends. Having their friends around doesn't make it any less wrong, it's still a hurtful thing to say and definitely not necessary.

  3. I also agree, but another thing that was also said was the fact that kids tend to say or do things they wouldn't normally do in a group of friends. With friends comes peer pressure, and I'm sure we have all been victims of it in grade through high school. It's unfortunate that at that age some teens cannot decide when something is wrong and walk away , however I can assure you that when they do, for example, yell a racial comment at someone, they know it's wrong inside- however they may not show it in front of their friends. And not saying that there aren't teens, childrens, who have been raised or grew up in a town where it was okay to be racist or use stereotypes nonchalantly with no consequences. It is not okay, but it's still going to happen, and I agree punishment should be enforced. The question is how to enforce it and what should schools be doing in order to educate children and teens of the choices they make today and how it will affect themselves and others in the future.

  4. I agree with everything that has been said in the previous posts. It is true that it was wrong for the kids to being yelling racist comments out the window, but it is also true that kids are faced with peer pressure. I am not saying that it was okay for these kids to say those things, and there should be some form of punishment to learn that it is not okay to put people down. If the kids aren't punished for saying the things that they do, they will never learn that its not okay.

  5. A racist comment is just that, a racist comment. People say things for all kinds of reasons. I think that living in an area where most of the population is white, kids are more likely to have racist feelings and being around their friends they are more likely to express it. As people get older most of them grow out of their ignorance and realize how flawed the idea of racism really is. It is racism, but the racism is less a product of hate than it is a product of ignorance and fear.
