Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I was watching the news the other night (on President's Day) and I saw something pretty interesting. There was a man, who was supposed to be Abraham Lincoln, giving a speech that Lincoln had given while in his presidency. The speech he was giving was drowned out by the loud voices of activists shouting out for Native American's lives and yelling about how they were disrespected and completely ruined during Lincoln's presidency. I am not sure what to think about this. I do not think that the people speaking against the speech were wrong in what they were doing, but it almost seemed disrespectful to the man giving the speech. He was just there to talk. He wasn't actually Abraham Lincoln. And he couldn't even speak because the noise around him was drowning him completely out. I understand that these people had a right and a reason to do what they did. But, I was a little taken back at the way they did it. Like I said, I don't think that it was wrong of them. But, they were punishing a man who was just reading off a piece of paper and happened to grow a beard to do it, he wasn't actually Abraham Lincoln.


  1. It makes sense why they were interupting his speech but i do not think it was the right thing to do. Yes there reason would be good if it was actually abraham lincoln up there giving the speech but it was just a man wearing a beard reading a piece of paper. Whether or not they did not like abraham lincoln he is still apart of americas history and it is useful to hear some historical speeches. These people yelling should not have done this in my opinion because it is extremely rude and disrespectful to this man trying to give a speech of an old historical figure.

  2. I have to agree with you on this. It was disrespectful of them to do this during the speech. I mean if it was actually Lincoln then I could understand, but I still probably wouldn't agree with it.

  3. The only problem with this is that lincoln is always made out to be such a great man, and that they only look at the good things he did and not the bad when he is talked about in american history. I agree that it was incredibly disrespectful, but I have to say, I really don't think anyone would have taken notice if they hadn't done what they did, and instead did something less "in your face." I never heard anything in high school about lincoln doing terrible things. He did them, I just wasn't told. That's the point, they don't have any other way of getting their message across. Disrespectful, yes, but did they really have any other option? Not only do people not hear about Lincoln & Co's down side, they DON'T want to hear about them. So its a lot harder to get your message out when no one wants to hear it. I think their objective was to get people talking. Whether or not it was accomplished I don't know, because nothing anyone has said, including myself, has anything to do with their actual message.
